Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Introduction and Overview

Thank you for choosing In Goode Company! We are North Carolina's only Supplemental Education Service Provider whose program model is based on English Language Development Standards. We offer a tutoring program geared for students who speak English as a Second Language and who struggle with reading. We realize these students have specific needs regarding phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, vocabulary and other language skills. Our program gives students 36 hours of instruction with a highly qulaified tutor trained by our company. We also offer low student: tutor ratios, at least one tutor for every five students or less. Throughout the program, students will strengthen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English.
Students will also learn about math, science and social studies throughout the program. Students who struggle with language and reading fundamentals need a targeted and individualized approach to learning content in these subject areas. In Goode Company hires tutors who are experienced in working with students who struggle with academic English and, most importantly, care about their students as a whole person.
Fiction and non-fiction texts, similar to those on the North Carolina End of Grade Tests, will be used as a basis for the program. Students will also be able to explore their own experiences and culture to make learning fun and relevant.
Thanks for checking out our site! You are In Goode Company!

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